Thursday, May 15, 2008

Epic Adventure - Begins Tomorrow

Two Blog Posts from me in one day? I know it has to be some sort of a record. I'm not sure if anyone is actually checking this thing but I am going to try to use it to keep people updated with my whereabouts in the next 3 weeks. I am headed on a plane tomorrow and I will not be satisfied until make it to Uganda. There will be a few detours along the way, but keep in touch it should be a crazy 3 weeks. Thanks for all of the prayers and encouragements, I love you all so much!

Oh and if you feel like dropping me a line along the way, send it to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First, I wanted to say that I was sorry to hear about your parents, but am so happy they are okay....and also, Lindsay told me about you going to Uganda!!! I think that is so great!!! Be careful, and have fun!!! I know that it must be crazy leaving everyone at IC, ....I know it's hard for Lindsay too, but I know that your all's IC journey is definitely far from over....I feel very blessed for what Invisible Children has done for both Lindsay and I...Lindsay getting to be a part of it, and me getting to meet everyone of the wonderful IC team I had a chance to meet....I feel like in a way I have been part of this crazy/beautiful experience too....IC has touched so many people, and it is only growing :) I hope someday, somewhere I'll get to meet up with you Deep South kids again ! lol Anyway, bon voyage! ;)

P.s. Linz says you're going to Greece on your way to Uganda (?!?!) We're going there in July! It will be my first trip out of the country (other than Canada lol) I can't wait!!