Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Birth Place of Wetern Civilization and The Decay of Humanity

Hey everyone...I just wanted to put up a quick note and let ya'll know that we made it across the big puddle safely! We are in Greece for the next few days taking in the sights here and getting ready for the journey to Uganda. It is so strange to be out of the United States for the first time in a few years. Greece is gorgeous though; pretty much everywhere you go in Athens, you can see the Acropolis perched up on hill in the middle of the city. It is pretty incredible to see how people just scurry around this city, racing from one thing to the next while they are constantly surrounded by so much ancient history. Buildings that have been aroudn for thousands of year, buildings that have seen more epic stories than anyone could ever imagine. That's what draws me back to these parts of the world. When you step foot into cities like Athens, you really become a part of the history here and you get to experience a small piece of what it was like to live thousands of years ago.

This leg of the trip is definitely so incredible but I really can't wait to just get on with it and do what I came to do. It is going to be such an exciting yet very frightening experience for me to sink my feet into Ugandan soil and really begin to experience the plight of the people who live there. I really can't help but feel that my world is going to get turned upside down in a few days. My heart has been with the Acholi people for a while now but the empathy that I feel for them will never be so real as when I am forced to meet them face to face and connect their plight with a name and a very real personality.

But until then.....Grace and Peace. Keep an eye out for some pictures soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you!